
Drawn stories and walking

Background in Journalism & Architecture

Communication, journalism and digital media: Danish IT University 2001-2006 (Candidate in: Digital communication, media and design)

Royal Danish Academy of Fine Art 1991-2000 (Architecture, Design, Landscape and Innovation)

Drawn Journalism and storytelling: Large newspapers, magazines and online. Denmark and abroad

For the last 20+ years I’ve worked for national and international media, newspapers, organizations and companies, telling stories about sustainability, strategy, biodiversity and to wayfinding, climate change, and theories about how we might grasp reality off-line and online.

I’ve been a full member of Danish Journalist union since 2006

Copenhagen, Denmark

I am mostly on the way, but also sometimes Copenhagen, where I spend some of my days in a small studio in the city.

I still do most of my work with classic tools like brushes, ink, paper and watercolors. Tools I can bring where-ever I am and sleep.

Hiking gear


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Frits Ahlefeldt-Laurvig

Copenhagen 2024

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