Senior Nomads on self driving suitcases

Simple living is one of the things that can help us reduce our impact on the planet, from the amount of things we own to the amount of space we take up. And some of the most popular trails seniors travel to might show how a new kind of nomadic senior communities might come to live

Living with less, by living together as nomads

Text and drawing by Frits Ahlefeldt

I wondered about self driving cars and nomadic living, seeing if I could sketch up ideas to reduce the way we use cars in the future, finding alternatives and more flexible options, going from filling a trunk to something even more simple, like a self-driving suitcase

Maybe we won’t need much in the future, just a suitcase, with the most essential stuff and some batteries to charge our phones and help us find our ways and give even us a lift, when we get tired… just a thought, and drawing:

illustration of man and woman sitting on suitcase that is self driving. Drawing by Frits Ahlefeldt
Senior nomads on self driving suitcases, finding their own way

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